Who: According to a City of Knoxville study, over 60% of households in the 37917 zip code are single female caretaking homes. This means that single moms* are caring for children without the support of a partner.

*moms include: moms, aunts, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, step-moms, sisters, cousins, etc.

Why: We believe these moms are the heroes of our neighborhood. They step into the role of both mom and dad, and their sacrificial love is what makes a difference in the lives of young people in this neighborhood. We believe that Jesus sees the labor of these women and loves them and their children deeply. We believe that God calls us to carry the burdens of our neighbors and partner with Him in the work of the Spirit in this neighborhood.

Opportunities to partner with our mom's meal include: cooking food, providing childcare for babies, playing with children during the mom's dinner, spending time with mom's during the mom's dinner, engaging with your neighbors who are moms, following up with the moms involved and finding ways to meet their needs, and of course, pursuit of relationships with the moms.

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What: A few years ago, we asked some of these mothers how we could come alongside them and support them as they care for their kids. The overwhelming response was "I just need a break." These women aren't projects or charity. They are people we look up to and want to support. We took their suggestion and began hosting a monthly meal. During this meal, we take kiddos off of mom's hands and feed and play games with them. Then, the moms get the opportunity to be fed a meal - child free! After the meal we do different "self-care" activities like painting, crafts, relaxation techniques, decorating, etc. This is a time for these moms to have a "just for me" adult moment. Women in our church get to know these moms and take time to encourage them as they sit and catch their breath.

How: We get to know the moms in this community through different ways. Some we meet through our involvement in local schools, some are neighbors, some are invited by current moms. We ask that Mosaic members who join the Moms Ministry ask themselves "who are the moms in this neighborhood who God may be asking me to support?"

When & Where: LPUMC, 1x month, Fridays from 5:30-7pm; church members arrive at 5:00pm and stay until 7:30pm

What can I do? This is a ministry of presence. We don't have paid staff members who run this ministry - the church runs it! We ask that you view the Mom's Ministry not as a "church activity" but as a "mission of mine." Meaning you learn the names of the moms and integrate them into your prayers. You text and call them with encouragement and questions. You take ownership over this ministry and look for ways to integrate it into your weekly, not just monthly rhythms. Our own lives are transformed through relationship with Jesus, and we believe that Jesus desires our relationship with Him would propel us to deeper relationships, not just service with others.

Invite Moms: Reach out to moms you know in the neighborhood! Touch base with them each month and encourage them to join us. Give them a schedule and frequently follow up as you ask how you can meet their needs.

Spring 2022 Dates: 
Friday, January 14, 2022: 5:00 - 7:30pm
Friday, February 11, 2022: 5:00 - 7:30pm
Friday, March 25, 2022: 5:00 - 7:30pm
Friday, April 22, 2022: 5:00 - 7:30pm


Add the calendar reminders to your phone so you won't miss a Friday! This calendar includes reminds to reach out to moms, sign up for food & volunteers, and event reminders. 


Do I need to do anything specific to serve in childcare during the moms’ dinner?
Yes, you will need a background check and SafeKids training. Apply here.

Can I invite someone to the moms’ dinner?
Yes, please! We always have more than enough food and supplies to go around. You can RSVP your friend to Kathryn (865-771-1781) or just bring her and her kiddos along.

When should I show up?
Arrive between 5:00-5:15pm to help setup and prepare the church for the event.

Do I need to come to every event?
No, you do not.

We view this ministry as a “throughout the month” effort, and so Fridays are not the end all, be all, to your involvement. Feel free to come to one event to see what we’re about, and we encourage you to keep coming back. AND we would ask you to consider how God may be calling you beyond checking the box of “attendance.” Not everyone will be involved in the Friday portion of the event. Some of you may cook food and drop it off. Some of you may refer your friends and neighbors to come to the event. Some of you may learn the names of the moms and kids and spend time each week in prayer for them. Some of you may ask a heavily involved Mosaic member how you can carry a part of her load as she invests her time and heart into a mom in the ministry.

If you decide this is a ministry you would like to support, we ask that you view it holistically - how can you be part of the body of Mosaic caring for single moms in our neighborhood? What will this look like for you throughout the month? Of course, we need help on Fridays! But our ministry isn’t about getting moms into our church once a month on Friday nights.